GitHub Logo Silly Shell

The SillyShell program was written for my Operating Systems class to practice working with concurrent processes using fork(). The program creates a Unix shell that is capable of executing commands in the background and in the foreground. It's able to handle built-in bash commands, such as "exit", as well as commands that are not built in, such as "-ls". The program utilizes several system calls and signal handlers to simulate the shell and ensure that all child processes are finished executing prior to exiting. Future updates to this project will include the ability to handle more built-in commands such as "cd", "read", and "echo".

GitHub Logo Personal Website

My personal website was created as a final project to my Intro to Web Development class. It showcases everything that I learned throughout the term - including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and JQuery. My main focus with this project was to create something that is a reflection of who I am as a person. Everything from the color scheme to the icons and cliparts were carefully thought out and created by me as a way to show my creative side. This website is still a work in progress, the more I learn the more I will add to it. The next planned update is refactoring the navbar and footer implementation to make it cleaner and easier to maintain, as well as learning PHP in order to improve functionality for the "Contact" page.

GitHub Logo Calendar

This project was created for my Programming Systems class as a way to practice OOP concepts. It's a simulation of a calendar that is able to keep track of to-do lists, video conference information, and reminders. The implementation revolves around the main principles of OOP and it utilizes two different types of data structures. Single inheritance is used as a way to reuse methods for classes with similar functionality. Data hiding is used to promote encapsulation with the use of private and protected data. Abstraction is achieved through the use of classes and header files. Lastly, polymorphism was implemented through the use of virtual classes, function overloading, and RTTI. It also contains a main menu interface with 8 choices that help navigate the user through the different aspects of the program.

GitHub Logo Halloween Scavenger Hunt

I had a lot of fun with this project. It's a simulation of a Halloween themed scavenger hunt, where the user can create a list of items available to scavenge around their neighborhood. The program then displays the item name and a clue to the location. There is also one hint available per item on user request, otherwise, the hint remains hidden. Once the item is found, the program moves on to the next item in the list. This program was created for my Data Structure class and it includes a hash table implemented with an array of linear linked lists and a queue implemented with a circular linked list. The program has a main menu interface that allows the user to test the game itself as well as test the full functionality of the data structures.